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rebateheaven.com is not a SCAM and FRAUD

Rant, 359 words   Bookmark and Share


Rebate Heaven is an interesting site that claims to provide rebates on certain stuff or services that was purchased online. The have got a comprehensive list of promos of which I have applied for a rebate on my webhosting package in July. They claim to take approximately 60-90 days to process the rebate. I’ve emailed them and have not heard back from them for over a week.

I originally started writing this article because I thought that I was conned by them cos my rebate never arrived. Moreover, Google wasn’t much helpful in telling me if it was for real or a rip off.


Well guess what? I got my rebate after much hassle, so REBATEHEAVEN is not as dodgy as first thought. It took 3 emails, countless visits to catch the LiveHelp online on their site who was not able to access rebate details. He did however give me the email address rebatestatus_AT_rebateheaven.com which seemed to process my rebate almost immediately! Hopefully Google will pick this up because no complaints came up when I googled for rebate heaven and I instead encountered thousands of “good” reviews regarding their rebates.

BTW it actually says $70 rebate at http://www.ratemyhost.com but thats a lie. They pretty much redirect to rebateheaven who only rebates US$60.


After some research out of curiosity, I found out how it all works. It turned out that the reason they had to wait for so long is because the webhosters paying the rebates took up to 3 months to process their referral commission to people like rebateheaven. In the end, I’ve also got my self as a reseller for BlueHost. If you found this article useful and would like to get US$60 rebate from me instead, click here to sign up for an account with BLUEHOST.

Note that you HAVE to click on the above link as it contains my referral code. After 3 months with bluehost, they will pay me US$65 and I will pay you US$60 and keep US$5 for my troubles. Leave a message here if you have done so and I will follow up with it.

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Brinley Ang

Brinley Ang is a software engineer, sysadmin, coder, geek boy, jedi knight fragger, caffine addict, deaf meloncholic and rockstar wannabe. Listens to the sex pistols and a wide assortment of heavy metal.

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