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Change Schlage Encode door handing right to left

Technical, Rant, 312 words   Bookmark and Share

Schlage Encode is a great wifi lock that allows you to share virtual keys, assign pin codes or use a fall back physical key.

I purchased one from Amazon Australia and received one from Amazon US. In US, the doors have the hinges on the left side as oppose to the right side hence the door locks are on the other side. When I received the lock from from Amazon and installed it, it didn't work as the lock wanted to turn the other way to lock. Amazon customer support were not helpful and offered a return. Fortunately I reached out to Schlage who replied rather belatedly but replied with knowledge that all I needed to do was to factory reset the lock and let it auto detect the handling by itself! Amazingly easy, pity it wasn't mentioned in the manuals that factory reset could change the handling.

By doing the reset, so you can switch the door to lock from right side of door to left side or vice versa.

Here's the steps to perform a factory default reset (FDR),

  • 1. Take off the battery cover.
  • 2. Press and hold the black circle reset button to the right of the thumb turn on the inside of the lock. The LED will flash red. Keep holding the button until the LED stops flashing red.
  • 3. The LED will light solid blue when the FDR is complete. It may take up to 10 seconds before it lights.
  • 4. Your lock is now reset to factory defaults! If you want to pair to a smart home system, press the NEXT > button for instructions.

You can factory reset your schlage encode if you

  • * want to move my lock to a different door.
  • * forgot your programming code.
  • * connected the Encode to a smart home system but want to unpair, erase all of the codes, and restore all the default settings.
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Brinley Ang

Brinley Ang is a software engineer, sysadmin, coder, geek boy, jedi knight fragger, caffine addict, deaf meloncholic and rockstar wannabe. Listens to the sex pistols and a wide assortment of heavy metal.

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