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Miosota a domain expiry reminder service has been launched

Technical, PHP, 242 words   Bookmark and Share

I’ve finally launched a beta release of my free web service Miosota, which is a PHP based domain expiry reminder service. Its been a personal project done in my spare time that has stretched for almost a year. In case you were wondering, Miosota is the spanish name for Myosotis aka forget-me-not plant.

Users register with only the domain name to receive alerts about and an email address to send the alerts to and no other personal details. You dont even need to be the owner of the domain.
If you are worried about spam and don’t know/trust me, just get a disposable email address such as Spam Gourmet so that you can discard it if you start recieving any unsolicited mail other than reminders regarding your domain name expiring.

Miosota will check and email you,

  • 5 days before expiry.
  • 1 day before expiry.
  • 41 days after the expiry, if you still haven’t renewed your domain then your reminder is purged from our db. Otherwise the expiry date will be updated and you will receive reminders again when it next approaches expiry.

The service is FREE so there is no warranty with the service although it will try its best to email you when your domain is expiring.

Note though it doesn’t support all domain names yet, but supports most of the common ones at least. I will slowly add more when I find the time.

Feel free to add suggestions and comments here.

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Brinley Ang

Brinley Ang is a software engineer, sysadmin, coder, geek boy, jedi knight fragger, caffine addict, deaf meloncholic and rockstar wannabe. Listens to the sex pistols and a wide assortment of heavy metal.

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