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Fix for Wii buzz Freeze / Hang / Crash

Wii, 209 words   Bookmark and Share

My Nintendo Wii has been crashing / freezing / hanging with a loud buzzing beeping sound in the middle of playing games especially Call Of Duty: Black Ops even when I had the original game and it appears I’m not alone.

Some people have mentioned that it maybe due a damaged or scratched CD or that the DVD rom on the Wii is faulty. However, I still encountered the issue when I copied my game to a USB drive to load via USB loader.

After much research, I managed to fix the buzz freeze for myself.

NOTE some people have been experiencing buzzing from the Wii’s hardware itself. However this fix is for software itself, to tell if its hardware or software, mute the volume of the TV and if its software you won’t hear the buzzing.

It appears to be as simple as disabling Wii Connect although I had also ensured that all my IOS and CIOS were updated to the latest versions.

You can disable Wii Connect 24 under Wii Settings menu. This also disables the Wii standby mode whereby your Wii’s LED is orange instead of red when turned off. You’ll also not know if Nintendo sends you a message or tries to pester you to update your firmware.

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Brinley Ang

Brinley Ang is a software engineer, sysadmin, coder, geek boy, jedi knight fragger, caffine addict, deaf meloncholic and rockstar wannabe. Listens to the sex pistols and a wide assortment of heavy metal.

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