Recently upgraded from OSX High Sierra to Mojave and MySQL workbench refused to work properly since especially when trying to connect to SSH servers via a SSH tunnel. It just kept complaining of the error Cannot start SSH Tunnel
Tried reinstalling MySQL workbench without any luck and Google wasn't of much help as well.
Every time I try to upgrade this b2evolution blog I always encounter some issue with the auto upgrade which should otherwise be painless.
Often running through each of the upgrader tool carefully, I usually end up with some error or another.
500 server errors are the most annoying without much clues in the logs.
Here's a couple of fixes I found...
Swann Security DVRs and Camera are horrible because they don't get the updates required to maintain a decent product line.
They provide a fragmented list of DVRs with supported cameras at swann-camera-compatibility.pdf (accurate as of Feb 2018).
It turns out that their cameras are rebranded hikvision cameras which cost a fraction of the Swan camera equivalent.
So I set out to try and archive the OEM version of the same camera for your reference,