Running Strapi on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Technical, Javascript, 328 words  

Strapi is a NodeJS based open source CMS. At present it is in active development and in alpha and probably not something you would run in production. Having been experimenting with this, whilst there are articles documenting docker setups, Elastic beanstalk was something I was really familiar with and would usually beable to setup a CI pipeline to Elastic beanstalk in a few mins so I went down this rabbit hole...

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Yet another free Geocoder

Technical, Javascript, 110 words  

Thanks to Google Maps API, I was able to write up a geocoder in a couple of minutes without even realising that there was already a whole bunch of paid and free web sites that already do this.

Oh well, another one to add to the long list.

My geocode converter allows the user to enter a list of addresses and get it converted to its corresponding Latitude and Longitude with on click. The resulting list of Latitude and Longitude coordinates is comma separated so you can just open it with MS Excel or just copy and paste it into Excel.

You can use it by visiting my Geocoder page.

Scrolling overflowed DOM elements

Javascript, AJAX, 59 words  

Because when an overflowed DOM element is first created, it always starts scrolling from the top.
However, you can scroll down an overflowed DOM element such as a Div by setting the scroll.

The follow sample is written in jQuery

$("#bigDiv").scrollTop($("#bigDiv")[0].scrollHeight - $("#bigDiv").height());

$("#bigDiv")[0].scrollHeight is the full overflowed height of the content.
$("#bigDiv").height() is the height of the container.


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Brinley Ang

Brinley Ang is a software engineer, sysadmin, coder, geek boy, jedi knight fragger, caffine addict, deaf meloncholic and rockstar wannabe. Listens to the sex pistols and a wide assortment of heavy metal.

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