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photoplug plugin for b2evolution

Technical, PHP, 332 words   Bookmark and Share

I’ve been trying to get my missus to update her blog but one of the features that she wanted as a way of embedding slideshows and photo galleries stuff.

So I ended up writing a simple one and named it photoplug.
Currently it only supports flickr and picasa.
What it does is it extends the renderer plugin to convert flickr and picasa tags into its respective embedded slideshows.

You can either use the admin toolbar for a prompt aided inserting of the slideshow’s code or follow the instructions below to find the tags for inserting the code.

For picasa slide shows:


The above slideshow was rendered with the following tags


The break down of the tags are as follows,


  • iUserId is the picasa username of the owner of the album
  • iAlbumId is the album id of the album
  • iSize is the dimensions of the album. Google recommends 800x533, 600x400, 400x267, 288x192, 144x96

For flickr slide shows;

[flickr]61353731@N00: :200x200:72157602771535784[/flickr]

The above slideshow was rendered with the following tags

[flickr]61353731@N00: :200x200:72157602771535784[/flickr]

Note the tag parameter is a blank space. Seems like if its blank the str_replace fails.

The break down of the tags are as follows,



  • iUserId is the flickr user id and not the username. You can convert a flickr username to a user id at http://idgettr.com
    Perhaps I could incorporate an auto conversion in the next release.
  • sTag is the descriptive tag of the images
  • iSize is the dimensions of the slideshow, the default is 500x500
  • iSetId is the id of the photo set

There are still a couple more parameters available to configure but these are the ones I required and find useful. If you have a parameter/setting/feature that is worth adding to this plugin, drop me an email or comment and I will get to it as soon as I can.

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Brinley Ang

Brinley Ang is a software engineer, sysadmin, coder, geek boy, jedi knight fragger, caffine addict, deaf meloncholic and rockstar wannabe. Listens to the sex pistols and a wide assortment of heavy metal.

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