Office 365 is Microsoft’s answer to Google Apps for business which essential is a Gmail/GDocs/GCal suite. Although MS made setting up on MS Outlook very easy, not much information was available for non MS products which is a pain.
Anyway, heres how you setup Office 365 on Android so that your calendar and emails all sync up,
Just tried and found that Ubuntu Linux Natty 11.04 now works really well with Microsoft VPN via Network Manager. I reminisce the old days of config files and console commands just to get the pptp client to connect, now it can all be done in the network manager GUI. Its not perfect as it has a couple of quirks.
I usually set up my workstations with both Windows and Linux. However, I like to boot into the Windows partition from Linux without rebooting into Windows natively. This can be achieved by using any of the virtualisation softwares like VMWare or VirtualBox and booting into the virtual disk setup as a raw disk drive and pointed to a real dev as oppose to a virtual image.
One of the dangers of this setup is the potential of screwing up your mounted Linux partition if you accidentally boot into the same Linux partition. Hence, to prevent such tragedies from occurring, I usually setup my virtualisation software to boot off a GRUB floppy image configured to boot straight into my Windows partition bypassing my main GRUB which allows me to choose booting Linux or Windows.